Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am Loving: French Fry Cones

A perfect addition to any Memorial Day Barbeque:

Wire french fry and burger baskets from Crate & Barrel.  They are selling the cute red, white & blue liner papers too!
Wouldn't a few of these down the center of your backyard table be perfect this weekend?

Of course, you don't have to shell out a lot of dough to display your fries:
Even paper cups can be cute & add color to your table-- like these that Martha used. 
(the ones in this picture are carrot fries...I'm skeptical of this. One should not mess with french fries in my opinion.)

Image via Intimate Weddings Blog
This is another easy way to serve fries, for a slightly classier affair.  Pre-dipped in ketchup.  Or ranch, or barbeque saurce, or whatever you desire. :) 

Remember my friend Katie's Superbowl french fry cones? These would be easy to recreate in red, white, and blue for this weekend. 

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